Daisy received her B.Sc. from The University of Western Ontario (2014). She was awarded her Ph.D. in May 2019 (external examiner Prof Angela Casini). She was supported by an OGS Postgraduate Scholarship and has been with the group for nearly a decade!
DLW loves gaming. You will probably find a pair of her shoes somewhere.
Adyn completed her B. Sc. at The University of Western Ontario in 2020. Adyn has been doing research with the group since 2018 (2x USRA, 4th year thesis project). She’s now a Ph. D. candidate in the Stillman Bioinorganic Group. She is supported by an NSERC CGSM. Her research focuses on copper binding to metallothionein and other proteins.
When not in the lab, Adyn enjoys shopping, reading and playing fetch with Ralph.
Amelia received her B. MSc. in 2020 with Honours Specialization in Physiology and Pharmacology. She has been with the group since 2018 and is now pursuing her MD/PhD dual degree with SBG and the Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry.
Fun fact: Her favourite character to play on Super Smash Bros is Metaknight
Alice joined the group in 2019 for her 4th year thesis project on the computationally guided synthesis of chlorophyll analogues for use in solar cells.
She received her B. Sc. in 2020 and is
currently a remote research assistant supporting the group with
her theoretical spectroscopy expertise and computer skills. She
designed the new and improved SBG website you are looking at!
AJ loves yoga and manicures.
Fred is the team mascot and struggles to flower but brings good energy, keeps you company on late lab nights and is well loved nonetheless.
He is about 5 ft tall and sometimes the neighbour to our bougainvillea (Fred moves around quite often - but you can usually catch him chilling in the corner of the office by the window).